The winter is really starting to drag. Fortunately, Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow this year, so an early spring is coming. Which means it’s about time for that spring cleaning on your home. Spring cleaning is a good way to say goodbye to the dreadfully cold winter, on top of promoting wellness with cleaning and organizing. We’ve compiled a list of tips and ideas on ensuring the best cleaning.
Faucet Heads
This tip works for all faucets around the house (shower, tub, kitchen, bathroom). Fill a plastic bag with white vinegar, then rubber band it around the faucet. Leave this to soak for several hours. The white vinegar will dissolve mineral deposits that build up over time, which should help increase water pressure.
Fan Blades
Ceiling fan blades are dust magnets. Wipe the blades clean with a duster or rag and then rub on a coat of furniture polish to help against dust and give the blades a shine.
Stainless Steel Sinks
Make your stainless steel sinks look new again by using baking soda with a sponge. For rougher sink cleans, add salt to the baking soda. Voilà! You’re sink will look brand new.
Television and Computer Screens
Coffee filters are a great tool to wipe away smudges or fingerprints on computer and television screens.
Window Screens
If you have any extra carpet stored away in your basement, cut out a square and wipe down window screens, to really tackle dirt and dust. The texture of the carpet work wonders against screen surfaces.
Don’t forget to replace all filters including water, range hood and air vent filters for the season!
Windows and Mirrors
One of the best ways to clean mirrors and windows is to mix ¼ cup of white vinegar, 2 cups of water and 2 teaspoons of liquid soap into a spray bottle. Spray the concoction onto the glass material and scrub with newspaper for a streak-free finish. The ink acts as a light abrasive and allows you to make use of old newspapers.
Grab a ladder, and check your gutters for debris. Remove as much as you can with your hands (Be sure to wear gloves). Remove any leftover gunk with a garden hose. Make sure downspouts are directed away from the foundation.
Smoke Detectors
Test smoke detectors and change out batteries if needed. Easy maintenance and much easier to tackle then waiting until 3AM when the low battery beep starts going off.
Patio Furniture
Don't forget to pull out the patio furniture. If any cleaning is needed, use a bucket of warm water and a teaspoon of dishwasher detergent with a sponge or brush.
Declutter and organize the garage. This might be one of the most daunting tasks but leads to one of the most accomplishing feelings.
Baseboards and Walls
Scrub all the walls in the bathroom, kitchen, bedrooms and living areas with a sponge or brush and mild soap and water. This includes baseboards.
Spring Cleaning puts an official end to our winters while also promoting wellness. Hopefully, you were able to take away a couple of ideas and most importantly got excited for the start of the spring!
If you’re beyond the point of a fresh spring clean and looking for a new clean home then check out our new homes that we are currently offering in the Dayton, Lebanon, Hamilton, Liberty Township, and Cincinnati areas.